24th National Tanks Conference & Expo organized by
NEIWPCC, EPA, ASTSWMO, and CDLE in Denver, CO on September 16-18, 2013
COLUMBIA Technologies is pleased to announce our support for the upcoming 24th National Tanks Conference in Denver, CO with two presentations and an exhibit booth.
On Sunday, September 15, 2013, our CEO, John Sohl and Vista GeoScience's President, John Fontana, will present a pre-conference workshop Improved In-Situ Remediation using Advanced High Resolution Site Characterization Tools for Remedial Design Characterization and Advanced Injection Technologies from 1:00 - 5:00 PM.
On Monday, September 16, 2013, our CEO, John Sohl, will present Improving LUST Management through High Resolution Data on LNAPL and Permeability to Close Those Pesky Sites during the Advanced LNAPL Assessment I session from 1:30 - 3:00 PM.
COLUMBIA staff will be present at the 24th National Tanks Conference & Expo and will be pleased to meet you at Booth 219. If you would like to organize a meeting in advance, please contact Dov Hoffman at (888) 344-2704 ext. 207 or dhoffman@columbiatechnologies.com.
This year, the 24th National Tanks Conference will be held September 16-18, at the Denver Sheraton Downtown Hotel in Denver, CO. The 2013 conference features sessions covering an exceptionally wide range of underground storage tank topics - including biofuels, remediation technologies, and vital financial issues. In addition to the invariably valuable educational sessions, ample opportunities for informal networking will be provided, allowing you to share knowledge and experiences with fellow attendees.
For more information on this conference and to register, visit the 24th National Tanks Conference website.