Blog & Recent Projects

Sustainable Practices For Efficient UST Management: Columbia Technologies’ Revolutionary HRSC Tech

Posted by admin on Jun 20, 2024 10:36:27 AM

Did you know that there are nearly 60,000 confirmed underground storage tank (UST) releases in the United States? Each year, over 4,000 new releases are reported. 

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Moving Sites to Closure Smoothly: A Guide to ASTM Standards for Effective Site Closure

Posted by Columbia Technologies on Jun 4, 2024 12:32:50 PM

Effective site closure for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) is paramount in safeguarding environmental protection and public health. USTs, if improperly managed during or after their lifespan, pose significant risks of contamination to soil and groundwater. 

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Join Columbia Technologies at the 2024 Battelle Chlorinated Conference!

Posted by Columbia Technologies on May 21, 2024 10:40:06 AM

Columbia Technologies is excited to announce that our CEO, John Sohl, will be attending the prestigious 2024 Chlorinated Conference! This premier event, organized by Battelle, will take place from June 2-6, 2024, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado.

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The Complete Guide to Implementing Advanced Site Characterization Tools

Posted by Columbia Technologies on May 7, 2024 8:30:00 AM

Are you an environmental professional tasked with investigating complex sites contaminated with hazardous substances? Do you struggle with selecting the right tools to collect the necessary geologic, hydrologic, and chemical data for effective site characterization?

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New Horizons in UST Cleanup: Insights from the EPA HRSC Study Report

Posted by John Sohl on Apr 23, 2024 11:27:39 AM

Revolutionizing UST Site Cleanup with HRSC Technology

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The Crucial Role of Sustainability in Underground Storage Tank Management

Posted by admin on Apr 1, 2024 11:32:44 AM

Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) present a significant challenge. These hidden containers, often filled with hazardous substances like petroleum, lurk beneath our feet, potentially threatening the quality of soil and water upon which life depends. As we move further into an era where sustainability is not just preferred but essential, integrating advanced technological practices with environmental protection in UST management has become a paramount concern. This article delves into the complexities of managing USTs sustainably, drawing on recent research to highlight the impact, innovative solutions, and benefits of adopting sustainable practices in UST management.

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The Challenges of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

Posted by admin on Mar 7, 2024 10:07:29 AM

Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) are ubiquitous yet often overlooked components of our modern infrastructure. Predominantly used for storing petroleum and hazardous substances, USTs, when leaking, pose a significant environmental threat. The issue extends beyond spills and contaminations; it's a silent crisis that threatens our water sources, ecosystems, and public health. This blog post delves deep into the challenges posed by leaking USTs, exploring the environmental risks, the complexities of managing such leaks, and the innovative solutions being pioneered in the field.

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Solving Persistent UST Site Pollution Through Precision Mapping and Targeted Remediation: A COLUMBIA Technologies Case Study

Posted by admin on Feb 23, 2024 10:22:08 AM

Solving Persistent UST Site Pollution Through Precision Mapping and Targeted Remediation: A COLUMBIA Technologies Case Study

Background Story

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As COLUMBIA Technologies marks a significant milestone – our 25th anniversary

Posted by John Sohl on Jan 30, 2024 11:06:04 AM

As COLUMBIA Technologies marks a significant milestone – our 25th anniversary – we take a moment to reflect on our journey and the invaluable partnerships that have shaped our path. For a quarter of a century, we've been at the forefront of environmental technology and site remediation, driven by a passion for innovation and a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship.

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Tags: COLUMBIA Technologies, News

The Role of Environmental Remediation in Sustainable Development

Posted by John Sohl on Dec 9, 2023 4:48:22 PM

Explore how Environmental Remediation is spearheading sustainable development, restoring contaminated sites, and fostering a healthier future.

The Importance of Environmental Remediation

Environmental remediation proves crucial in fostering a healthier environment. By removing toxins, it mitigates health hazards and bolsters the well-being of all living organisms.

The process importantly bolsters ecosystem recovery. Purging residual contaminants from long-term pollution sources, like the contaminated UST site in Auburn, Alabama, delivers new opportunities for ecosystems to rebound and flourish.

Understanding the Concept of Environmental Remediation

Environmental remediation operates on core principles of containment, treatment, disposal, and resource recovery aimed at rehabilitating contaminated sites for the welfare of ecosystems and communities. Such principles ensure efficient, effective, and sustainable solutions to environmental pollution issues.

Through Environmental Remediation, Columbia Technologies is promising a bright future for Auburn by rehabilitating its longstanding polluted sites with comprehensive, efficient, and sustainable solutions.

From concept to implementation, the remediation process begins with a thorough assessment of the contamination extent, followed by the careful selection of appropriate remediation technology. This phase allows for a comprehensive, eco-friendly, and sustainable approach to achieve the ultimate goal - environmental restoration.

Why Sustainable Development Relies on Environmental Remediation

Environmental remediation reduces pollutants, reclaiming lands previously deemed unfit for use. This lays a clean foundation, vital for sustainable growth, as it prevents future harm and fosters positive environmental stewardship.

Sustainability and remediation are intertwined. Conservation efforts ensure future resource availability by relying on remediation to clear contaminants and heal the environment. It's a synergistic relationship, safeguarding our planet’s resources for generations.

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Tags: Sustainability, Brownfields