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COLUMBIA Technologies to Sponsor Environmental Industry Summit XI and John Sohl, CEO to Participate in the Executive Response Panel

Posted by admin on Feb 8, 2013 3:21:52 PM

COLUMBIA Technologies is pleased to sponsor the upcoming Environmental Industry Summit XI in San Diego, CA. The Environmental Industry Summit is a national three-day learning event bringing together professionals from the environmental industry. The Environmental Industry Summit offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable perspective on today’s environmental industry providing ample networking opportunities, presentations, and panel discussions from the industry’s lead executives and analysts.

Environmental Industry Summit XI is March 6-8, 2013 at the Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego, CA. The 2012 EBJ awards will be presented at a special ceremony at the Environmental Industry Summit XI.

COLUMBIA Technologies CEO, John Sohl, will participate in the Executive Response Panel during the Environmental Industry Summit XI. During the Executive Response Panel, executives from 3-4 prominent firms will stress test the industry outlook and render opinions on how their companies will strategically and tactically address industry challenges. John will give perspective on how clean-up technologies are being used on different sites, and how they have evolved with the various challenges presented.

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Tags: John Sohl, News

COLUMBIA Technologies Recognized with EBJ’s 2012 Business Achievement Award for International Expansion

Posted by admin on Jan 31, 2013 12:17:28 AM

Environmental Business Journal® (EBJ), a business research publication which provides high value strategic business intelligence to the environmental industry, has honored 50 companies for revenue growth, acquisitions, innovative project designs, technology applications, new practice areas, social contributions and industry leadership in 2012.

COLUMBIA Technologies is pleased to announce that it was chosen to receive the EBJ award for International Expansion.

“In an industry that has just managed to out-perform the overall economy but still presents challenges in many segments, a number of companies have achieved double-digit growth, sustained high profitability, built solid backlog, made successful forays into new practice areas or geographic markets, or developed technologies that can build a more sustainable economy,” said Grant Ferrier, President of Environmental Business International Inc. (EBI, San Diego), Publisher of Environmental Business Journal. “Historically, EBJ has known COLUMBIA Technologies as an industry leader in site characterization, but it’s their recent expansion into Mexico and Brazil which has positioned them as a global expert in the field and the recipient of a 2012 EBJ Business Achievement Award.”

COLUMBIA was recognized for establishing operations and formal partnerships in both Mexico and Brazil, thereby expanding its business model into Latin America in 2012. Expanding into Mexico and Brazil extended COLUMBIA’s international portfolio to more than 1,000 global project opportunities throughout Canada, Italy, Japan, New Zealand and 45 out of the 50 United States, including Hawaii. In 2012, COLUMBIA successfully completed over 100 projects throughout North America including Hawaii, provinces in Canada, and in Brazil for 54 different clients, with 63% of those firms being repeat customers. Since 1999, COLUMBIA has contracted with 26 of 40 firms from the Environmental Business International’s top rated environmental consulting and engineering firms on a diverse range of commercial, federal, and military sites.

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Tags: John Sohl, News

Resurgent Petrochemical and Manufacturing Industries Spur Solid Growth for COLUMBIA Technologies

Posted by admin on Jan 24, 2013 2:47:52 PM

Article originally featured in the Environmental Business Journal (EBJ) Executive Review 2013 Issue, Volume XXVI, Number 1, 2013

 Columbia Technologies, LLC (Baltimore, MD), is a global provider of high-resolution direct sensing and mapping technologies, such as the membrane interface probe (MIP), laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), and the hydraulic profiling tool (HPT), for application in contaminated site characterization. Founded in 1999, the 17-employee company has successfully completed approximately 1,000 high-resolution site characterization surveys throughout Mexico, Canada, and 45 of the 50 states, including Hawaii, serving oil companies, government agencies, commercial real estate owners, developers, and architectural and engineering firms. John Sohl is the company’s CEO.

EBJ: What kind of year was 2012 in terms of revenue growth and profitability for your firm?

John Sohl: It was a good year. We had 20% revenue growth, and roughly 30% growth on the profit line. We had a good, solid set of projects that contributed to growth and profits.

EBJ: What client sectors and regions provided the best opportunities, and what factors were driving those opportunities? Any shifts in the sectors you’re serving?

J.S.: For what we do, the clients that are engaging in more complex projects, where the site characterization and remediation challenges are significant, that’s where we get our best match in terms of value proposition. They often tend to be petrochemical clients and manufacturers.

We did see a good amount of work in the Midwest, which has offered good growth through the resurgence in the economy. General Motors, Ford, and other manufacturers are trying to resolve issues with the assets on their books. I think we’ll see more and more positive impacts when cheap natural gas affects the petrochemical and manufacturers. These clients did do well.

There were no dramatic shifts in our client base. We maintain a fairly broad base, and we’re active in both the industrial sector and the Department of Defense (DOD) market. In the commercial market, if there has been any kind of shift, it’s been by reaching out beyond our traditional borders. In 2012, we’ve done a couple of projects in Hawaii. We have a partner in Mexico, and we’ve done some work in Canada, so we’re exporting our work on a regular basis.

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Tags: COLUMBIA Technologies, High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC), John Sohl, News

The 7 Biggest Myths of Direct Sensing (Part II)

Posted by admin on Oct 3, 2012 1:07:12 PM

We hope you enjoyed our last blog post, The 7 Myths of Direct Sensing (Part I) outlining the three basic assumptions or principles we have in mind when deploying high resolution direct sensing tools, defining high resolution and direct sensing tools, and disclosing the first three myths related to site characterization projects.

Below are four additional myths related to detection levels, remediation programs, cost of direct sensing, and the need for real time data with the corresponding truths.

Myth 4: The detection levels of direct sensing tools like the Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) are not low enough

If you’re going off the basis that the contaminant levels at your site are too low for direct sensing tools, you’re probably should ask yourself do I really only have 10 ppb and if so, why do I still have 10 ppb? Direct sensing tools for contaminant profiling are first and foremost source area characterization tools.

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Tags: Direct Sensing, High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC), Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT), Membrane Interface Probe-Hydraulic Profiling Tool, Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), News, Site Characterization

The 7 Biggest Myths of Direct Sensing (Part I)

Posted by admin on Sep 19, 2012 11:17:20 AM

After 20 years in enviromental sampling and analysis we have come to believe in direct sensing as a means of providing the most rapid and comprehensive information about the distribution and composition of soil and groundwater contamination. Ever evolving, today’s direct sensing tools for remediation focused site characterization projects continue to add a greater range of high resolution information on subsurface conditions including hydrology, lithology and contaminant distribution to support environmental liability decision.

Although direct sensing approaches are used throughout the environmental industry supporting cleanup and closure efforts, there are still several myths associated in applying these methods to site investigation and remediation projects.

There are three basic assumptions or principles we have in mind when deploying high resolution direct sensing tools with as near real time decision-making information:

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Tags: Direct Sensing, News

ReLASC 6th International Seminar Characterization and Remediation of Sites Impacted by Hydrocarbons - Mexico City

Posted by admin on Sep 15, 2012 12:01:14 PM

COLUMBIA Technologies recently supported the Sixth International Seminar on Environmental Characterization and Remediation of Sites Impacted by Hydrocarbons - 2012 in Mexico City, Mexico. The seminar was hosted by Rede Latino Americana de Prevenção e Gestão de Sítios (ReLASC) in partnership with PEMEX Refinery and Ecoterra Servicios Ambientales.

On Friday, September 14, COLUMBIA presented Rapid High Resolution Site Characterization Using Direct Sensing Technologies. With local teaming partner, International Products and Organic Solutions (IPOS) on Saturday, September 15, COLUMBIA provided a hands-on demonstration displaying how these advanced tools can be applied to a wide range of contaminated sites.

For more information contact:

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Tags: High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC), LNAPL, News, Mexico

For COLUMBIA Technologies, Success in the Global Market is about Commitment and Execution

Posted by admin on Jul 24, 2012 10:43:13 PM

Article originally featured on Tradeology, the official blog of ITA (International Trade Administration)

Doug Barry is a Senior International Trade Specialist in the Trade Information CenterU.S. Commercial Service within the International Trade Administration. 

John Sohl, owner of Columbia Technologies, conducting training for partners in Mexico

John H. Sohl III is founder of Columbia Technologies, a Maryland company that maps underground pollution from large manufacturing facilities, oil terminals, pipelines and military bases. The company is a client of the Baltimore Export Assistance Center.

Barry:  How do you map underground pollution?

Sohl:  Mapping involves deployment of sensor technologies that track leakage and migration of pollutants.  Following analysis by our technicians, customers can make decisions on risk assessment, disposition of the property and proper cleanup actions.

Sohl:  I started the company about 15 years ago after doing similar work in the U.S. Navy.  I was always intrigued with the application of sensors and three-dimensional mapping of components, and that’s the approach we brought to the industry.  The world really is getting flat and many of our clients are global industries that have footprints both in the U.S. and North America as well as the globe.  So once we’ve established a good working relationship and reputation with those firms, they sought to bring us into other parts of the globe.

Barry:  So your initial market entry strategy was to piggyback on clients here in the U.S. and ride them into new markets.

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Tags: High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC), John Sohl, News, Brazil, Mexico

COLUMBIA Technologies Receives Veteran Institute for Procurement Certification

Posted by admin on Nov 1, 2011 2:09:39 AM

COLUMBIA Technologies recently completed the Veteran Institute Procurement (VIP), a comprehensive training and certification program that helps veteran-owned businesses strengthen their ability to win government contracts and do business with both military and civilian agencies they once served in uniform.

On October 20, 2011, COLUMBIA Technologies was one of 45 businesses from 17 states to graduate from the National Center for the Veteran Institute for Procurement at the Bolger Center, a government-owned conference facility located in Potomac, MD. During the program’s graduation, John Sohl, CEO of COLUMBIA Technologies was presented with a congressional citation on behalf of U.S. House of Representatives Congressman, John P. Sarbanes.

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Tags: John Sohl, News

NEIWPCC's LUSTLine Bulletin Features LIF to Answer the Question: Where's the LNAPL?

Posted by admin on Jun 30, 2011 5:19:26 PM

Article originally featured in the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) LUSTLine, Bulletin 68, June 2011

 Most recently, the June 2011 issue of LUSTLine featured an article, "Where's the LNAPL? How about Using LIF to Find It?" written by Paul Stock of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Petroleum Remediation Program (PRP).

Paul's article provides an educational read on the ins and outs of LIF, the effectiveness of this LNAPL mapping tool, and Minnesota's experience in managing LNAPL risks.

Some key highlights include:

  • How Minnesota's PRP routinely uses data from LIF probes to target petroleum LNAPL when remediation is necessary
  • ITRC's LNAPL Team which has developed a set of excellent classroom training modules that lay out the latest understanding of LNAPL behavior using a multiple lines of evidence approach
  • The importance that LNAPL data must be integrated with all available standard site data, including site history, present land use, geology, and soil and groundwater contamination to develop an LNAPL science-based site conceptual model (SCM)

Click the following link to read the full article, Where's the LNAPL? How about Using LIF to Find It?.

To discuss how LIF technology can be applied at your LNAPL site, please contact Brian McCann at +1-(888) 344-2704 ext. 233.

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Tags: High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC), LIF, LNAPL, UST, UST Cleanup Funds, UVOST

COLUMBIA Technologies Rides Demand For High-Resolution Sub-Surface Characterization

Posted by admin on Apr 28, 2011 10:51:54 AM

Article originally featured in the Environmental Business Journal (EBJ) Remediation & Redevelopment Issue, Volume XXIV, Number 3/4, 2011

 Throughout much of the approximately three-decade-old history of waste site cleanup, sub-surface site characterization has been something of a high-stakes gamble. You could install monitoring wells into the soil and groundwater, spending thousands of dollars per well while essentially guessing how best to develop a picture of where contamination has spread or where a groundwater plume is headed—and you could be wrong, prompting a costly revisiting of the site and possibly even lawsuits.

More recent history has seen the advent of high-resolution techniques that that have reduced the cost and improved the accuracy of sub-surface characterization. One company that has put those techniques to work at approximately 750 sites throughout its 10-year history is Columbia Technologies (Baltimore, MD), a provider of high-resolution direct sensing and mapping technologies such as the membrane interface probe (MIP), laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), the hydraulic profiling tool (HPT), a discrete groundwater profiler with on-site volatile organic compound (VOC) analysis, and associated data management tools for real-time information processing and visualization.

COLUMBIA Technologies CEO John Sohl looks back on the company’s experience at those 750 sites and sees three principles in play when it engages clients in today’s marketplace. First, “they want to define the issue, and not just produce data for data’s sake, and to keep regulators off their backs,” he says. Second, clients understand that better information leads to better decisions on cleanup and response. Third, “they’re saying, ‘I’d rather have an abundance of fairly close information and be approximately correct than be precisely wrong.’”

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Tags: COLUMBIA Technologies, Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT), John Sohl, Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), News