The 26th National Tanks Conference & Exposition (NTC) will be held September 11-13, 2018, at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. Pre-conference workshops convene on Monday, September 10.
I'm pleased to be presenting a workshop on Focusing High-Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) for Selecting Remedial Technologies along with Andrew Kirkman of BP, Tom Kady with the EPA ERT, and Queenie Mungin-Davis from EPA Washington. Our goal is for the audience to develop ideas for reducing the cost of cleanup by implementing innovative scale appropriate measurements to improve their LNAPL Conceptual Site Models. We will explore:
- An Introduction to the Principles of High-Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC)
- Choosing the Right Scale Appropriate Tools to Support Successful Outcomes
- We've Done HRSC, Now What About Remedy Selection?
- Data Use and Management
- Key Considerations for Applying HRSC
- Case Examples
- Vacuum Truck Evaluation
- Comparison of Multiple Lines of Evidence
- Down-Gradient Dissolved Phase Contamination
For more details download a complete workshop agenda.
On Wednesday, at 8:00 a.m., we will explore Pragmatic Approaches to HRSC Investigations and Ways to Reduce Costs in series of brief presentations by West Johnson (KY DEP), Doug Cantrell (TN DEC), and myself.
I look forward to hearing what's new in the Underground Storage Tank program and our progress in cleaning up the remaining 67,000 cases nationwide.
Follow this blog as we walk through the elements of high-resolution site characterization, what works, what doesn’t work, and learn how to achieve better results earlier and at lower cost on your leaking underground storage tank site.
Other Blog Posts that may be of interest:
6 Reasons for High-Resolution Characterization of Your UST Site
7 Steps for a High-Resolution LNAPL Conceptual Site Model (LCSM)
High Resolution Site Characterization Tools